“ 五,四,三,二,一,发射!”伴着工作人员的喊声,神舟七号成功发射,经历了一年的辛勤劳动,一艘载人航天飞船成功发射天空。观众们热情高涨,就连航天员的家属也兴奋得不得了。航天员翟志刚只在太空中说了两句话:“ 我为祖国骄傲,我为祖国自豪。 ” 在2008年5月12日四川汶川大地震中,有许多人们被压在废墟里掩埋着,终日不见阳光,但他们坚持不懈,一天,两天救援人员终于来了,他们凭着自己坚定的信念和坚强的意志对外面大声呼喊:“来人啊,救命啊!”经历了三个小时终于被救出来了,虽然他们在床上接受治疗,但仍坚持面带微笑,在最困难之际,众多人民伸出援助之手,来帮助灾区人民重建家园。经历了这次5.12大地震,中国人民从此站立了起来,使们的民族变得更加团结、向上。
我们中国古时候也有一写些伟人,像“两弹一星”的邓嫁先,精忠报国的岳飞,文学作家司马迁,这些伟人的光荣事迹依依都被记录在历史上,让我们像他们学习。 中国虽然不像美国那样繁荣强大,但是中国在努力,也在进步,也在奋发向上!从改革开放以来,中国的生活水平在不断地提高,让我们共同携手创造一个努力、坚强、勇敢、团结、绿色健康的家园吧!我为祖国骄傲,为祖国自豪!
my motherland is a dragon in the east of the world, a rooster in the east of the world. i love my motherland. my motherland is vast, beautiful and rich. it is the world-famous ancient civilization - china.
i love my motherland, it is a beautiful garden, and i am one of the small flowers, open to the full. it's a kind mother, caring for me and growing up.
i love my motherland, which is the third largest power in the world and a multi-ethnic country. there are 56 ethnic groups in china, with a population of 1.3 billion and a water area of more than 4.7 million square kilometers.
in 20xx, the great communist party of china ushered in its xxth birthday, the beijing olympic games in 20xx. because of the heroic olympic athletes; because that one with sweat and hard work in exchange for the olympic gold medal; because china is a very friendly host. i am proud of being a chinese.
china, a dragon awakened by "china, my dear motherland", is proving to the world that the chinese are not the sick men of east asia.
children are regarded as “flower of our motherland”. in our country children are taken very good care of. special laws have been issued to protect them. thousands of schools have been set up to make education available to all children. the party and the government pay special attention to the growth of children because they represent our bright future.
nowadays, the “one-child per family” policy has been practiced all over the country. so far the policy has been showing positive effective. it controls population growth, reduces the economic burden on family, and gives parents more time and energy to look after their children. as a result, children become healthier in every aspect.
however, the policy also has some side effects. for example, a number of parents have gone too far in raising their children. they try to satisfy every demand of their spoiled kids, thus turning them into “flower in the nursery” that cannot bear any hardship or difficulty.
it’s time for us to discuss and study the problem of educating the only child.